Multi Controller V1.0

They contain an LCD display that is 20 characters wide and 2 lines high surrounded by 2 buttons labeled Fan+, Fan- controlls with LED indicator and Buzzer, and controlls RGB Leds Strip.

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Multi Controller V1

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It can display: Everest stats, Speedfan stats, MBM stats (your CPU temp, fan/cooler speed, etc), BBC World News (or any other RSS feed!), WinAmp stats (currently playing tracks title, length, position, etc), Network stats (speed, total bytes, etc), CPU Speed, Disk available/free, memory usage, Email details, game stats, and many more… Grabs information from the kernel and some subsystems and displays it on an external liquid crystal display. The Multi Controller V1 modules are designed to fit into 5,25” drive bays. They contain an LCD display that is 20 characters wide and 2 lines high surrounded by 2 buttons labeled Fan+, Fan- controlls with LED indicator and Buzzer, and controlls RGB Leds Strip. The Multi Controller V1 modules are connected to the PC using a USB connection getting operating power using the standard HDD/CD/DVD drive power connector.


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BOM (Bill Of Materials): View

PCB Gerber file: Download

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